How to Monitor Windows Reliability and Find Problems?
To find out what is going on in your computer, you should monitor Windows reliability with Reliability Monitor tool. The Windows Reliability Monitor is an advanced tool that measures hardware and software problems. It also monitor other changes to your computer. It provides a stability index that ranges from 1 (the least stable) to 10 (the most stable). You can use the index to help evaluate the reliability of your computer. Any change you make to your computer or problem that occurs on your computer affects the stability index.
How do Monitor Windows Reliability?
It is not either intended only for advanced users. The interface of reliability monitor is very clear and has simple understandable options. Everyone can simply check and review the reliability and problem history of his computer.
Navigate to control panel and open Reliability Monitory tools. Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Security and Maintenance\Reliability Monitor
On the security and maintenance section, expand Maintenance and click View reliability history.
Yes, the below screenshot is my computer reliability and problem history. I don’t believe that my computer is the house of errors and warning.
Don’t worry if you will not see such a colorful page when you open reliability monitor. You might see less error or more. Just navigate to find out the problems and fix them. Some errors are not simply possible to fix, but we try to understand the cause.
The reliability detail section is notifies all three types of problems. The most awful red is Error, then warning, and information. Take the errors and warning seriously and information is more important. These might damage your system if you don’t fix them.
From the graph select a day and see the full result on reliability details section. Four errors related to Photos stopped responding. Windows explorer stopped responding and was closed. Next is Windows was not properly shout down.
To see more details about an error, click the link from Action tab. Click to Check for a solution or click View technical details. For Windows error you see The previous system shutdown at 3:25:48 PM on 10/27/2015 was unexpected.
At the reliability page bottom you see Save reliability history report to save the reports. View all problems report to list all problems view-able on a window. And Check for solutions to all problems in order to solve problems.
OK, that is all. This is the best builtin tools to monitor Windows reliability. Try to navigate and test to learn more about Reliability Monitor in Windows.