Gateway for IT Experts and Tech Geeks

Write for us

Write for us and get paid

If you like to write and enjoy writing or would like to share your opinion about Technology, Internet, Mobile devices, Apps, Software, Social media, Internet marketing, and your particular interested topics related to our categories, so we welcome you to write for us.

How and What to Write?

  • Create your Profile with real information and Gravatar picture
  • Content must be qualified article and must be written in English
  • Don’t put to non-related links inside the post
  • Article must be at least 700 words
  • Affiliate links inside the post will remove by editor
  • Write for the audience and not search engines but do SEO
  • Link the post to relevant previous articles
  • Replying your post comments regularly

Guest Post?

The Bloggers, hunger of Guest posting can write their post according to our guest rules and policy. To write for us, you must send your information through the above request form. After receiving your email, we will create you an account then you’ll get a mail with your login details. It might takes two business day.

Request Form

Once you get the email with logging details, fill and complete your profile with real information. We assume you to create a professional profile like an experts.