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How to Turn Off Autoplay Facebook Videos?

The Facebook new update is auto-playing videos while you are surfing pages or profiles. To turn off autoplay Facebook videos will make happy almost every Facebook users. Sometimes Facebook doing some some stupid functions that no one expect that from Facebook.

Auto playing videos will spend too much bandwidth for mobile users. Specially for those who are connecting to Facebook using mobile sim cards. Even the Facebook is optimized for mobile devices, but again it’s cost effect while surfing just for reading only titles on someone’s profile.

Turn Off Autoplay Facebook Videos

Let’s turn off autoplay Facebook videos from profile settings. To do this, while you are login to Facebook, click top right side facebook profile setting then click Settings.

Facebook Profile Settings
Facebook Profile Settings

2. Now on the General Account Settings, click Videos to open the videos options.

Facebook General Account Settings
Facebook General Account Settings

3. On the Video Settings page, select Auto-play videos and then select Off.

Facebook Video Settings
Facebook Video Settings

The auto-playing video is turned off now. Do the same thing for mobile devices also.

Turn Off Autoplay Facebook Videos in Mobile

Do the same settings for mobile devices. Go to Facebook Settings and select App Settings.

Facebook Settings
Facebook Settings

On the Settings page select Videos play automatically and change the video settings.

Turn Off Autoplay Facebook Videos
Turn Off Autoplay Facebook Videos

On the pup up Video Auto-play page, select Off in order to apply changes of video auto-play settings.

Video Auto-Play
Video Auto-Play

Finally test some videos and see the result that videos are not playing automatically. Now you can play each video’s you want.

Instagram is also a product of Facebook. So do the same setting and bring changes for Instagram users if you have Instagram account.

Hope it would help you to stop auto-playing videos on Facebook. If you have any questions about articles, feel free to ask and comment us. We are here to answer your question and solve technical problems.

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