Top 5 Laravel 5 Messaging Packages You Must Know
Laravel is by far the most popular PHP framework in 2017. Developing web applications has never been this much easy. Package in Laravel saves a lot of time while developing complex applications. Meanwhile, packages are developed by expert developers and they are probably painless, secure and bug-free. In this article, we introduce the top 5 Laravel 5 messaging Packages that will help you develop web apps in a matter of minutes.
Top 5 Laravel 5 Messaging Packages list
01. Laravel-Talk

Talk is a Laravel 5 based user conversation (inbox) system with real-time messaging. You can easily integrate this package with any Laravel based project. It helps you to develop a messaging system in just a few mins. Here is a project screenshot that was developed by Talk.
Talk v2.1.0 is supported real-time messaging. Learn more about Talk Live Messaging
Credit: Nahid
02. Laravel Messenger
This package will allow you to add a full user messaging system into your Laravel application.
- Multiple conversations per user
- Optionally loop in additional users with each new message
- View the last message for each thread available
- Returns either all messages in the system, all messages associated with the user, or all message associated to the user with new/unread messages
- Return the user’s unread message count easily
- Very flexible usage so you can implement your own access control
Credit: Chris Gmyr
03. Simple SMS
Simple SMS is easy to use package for Laravel that adds the capability to send and receive SMS/MMS messages to mobile phones from your web app. It currently supports a free way to send SMS messages through E-Mail gateways provided by the wireless carriers. The package also supports 9 paid services, Call Fire, EZTexting, FlowRoute, LabsMobile, Mozeo, Nexmo, Plivo, Twilio, Zenvia, and JustSend.
Credit: Corey McCormick
04. Laravel Sms
A framework based on Laravel the powerful mobile phone number legitimacy verification solution.
2.0 is based on toplan / phpsms developed for the framework of Laravel
the mobile phone number verification solution. Compared to version 1.0, 2.0 is a version that is reconstructed using new ideas, and the upgrade standby agent mechanism is an agent equalization scheduling mechanism. phpsms
To laravel-sms
provide a full set of SMS sending mechanism, but phpsms
also have their own service provider, that is to say, you can be in Laravel
the framework of the independent use of barrier-free.phpsms
Credit: Ian tian peng
05. BearyChat for Laravel
It was the top 5 Laravel 5 messaging packages. We hope it helps you create and amazing applications. If you know any better packages, feel free to share with us on the comment bellow. 🙂