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Windows Server 2019

How to Create Virtual Machine Checkpoints in Hyper-V

To restore to the previous configuration, you have to create virtual machine checkpoints in Hyper-V. You often make some changes to your virtual machine, but that change doesn't go well, and you want to restore it to the previous

Free Download Windows Server 2019 ISO File

Here you can download Windows Server 2019 ISO file. The full version of Windows Server 2019 is accessible with a fast direct link from the Microsoft website where you can easily download the Windows Server 2019 ISO file from the below link.…

How to Enable Network Discovery via Group Policy?

Network discovery is a network setting that enables network computers' names to be discoverable from the network. It works like a Bluetooth system. When you enable it, your device will be found by another device. Enabling network discovery…

How to Configure DHCP Failover on Windows Server 2016?

This article "configure DHCP failover on Windows Server" is apply-able on Windows server 2012 and higher for DHCP High Availability. The DHCP server failover feature provides the ability to have two DHCP servers provide IP addresses and…