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Web Developer

How to Upgrade NPM in Windows Step by Step?

Every developer uses NPM more than ten times every day. NPM is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. Also, it is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. Besides, most packages require…

How to Make NPM Work 20 Times Faster

As a developer or web designer, we use NPM almost more than 5 times on average per day. Sometimes, it takes a long time to install a package. Even more than 5 minutes or more. Besides, you watch some people on tutorials who install a…

Top 5 Best JavaScript Frameworks of all Time

JavaScipt is by far the most popular programming language now. It will definitely rank in 2018. Also, you can almost develop anything with javascript. Web application, mobile, desktop and even work with a database. Besides, it has a large…

Top 7 Best Website Builder Without Coding

If you don't know to code and want to create a website, well you can. Nowadays, almost everybody needs a website. Artist, photographers, designers, engineers, and doctors need a website. Do you think they will learn to code to create their…

7 Best Online Business Ideas For Developers

Starting a business is not hard. But having a good idea and working on that consistently is the hard part. E-business is a term which can be used for any kind of business or commercial transaction that includes sharing information across…

Top 6 Code Editor of A Developer Web Dev Tools in 2018

If you are a developer, you have your list of web dev tools, there for you always need to find the best code editor and tools for development purposes. So It can be IDE, text editors, or a framework to build your next project. Text editors…

UK Top Cities with Highest Software Engineer Salary

If you are a software engineer living in the UK, you might be interested in salaries for software engineers. So, we have collected some reports about software developer salaries. Also, the top cities with highest software engineer salary in…

Top 7 Collections of CSS Preloader For Web Designer

Almost these days if a website takes more than 5 seconds to load. So we don't want wait or tend to not even waiting for it to open we simply close the page and find something else. That is definitely what designers are taking the time to…

Bootstrap Buttons Complete Guide for Web Developers

Buttons are one of the most useful components that are being used for various purposes like Showing, hiding submitting and much more. Bootstrap 4 includes several types of buttons which each serving its own semantic purpose, with a few…