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Social Media

Top 10 Best Social Media Analytics Tools for 2018

The modern social media monitoring and analytics tools are the excellent time saving social media management for business owners. We just list the ten popular and modern social media analytics and monitoring tools for your 2018 business.…

How to Save Google Plus Non Downloadable Photos?

Would you like to save Google plus photos when you surfing your Google+ profiles? And some amazing photos are not downloadable from mobile! It's not good to change G+ profile setting that viewers are able to save and download the photos you…

How to Turn Off Autoplay Facebook Videos?

The Facebook new update is auto-playing videos while you are surfing pages or profiles. To turn off autoplay Facebook videos will make happy almost every Facebook users. Sometimes Facebook doing some some stupid functions that no one expect…

Download Facebook Video without any Software

Download Facebook video always is not easy. Specially when you don't have installed any file downloader on your computer.  Sometime the video downloader are not able to grab the download link of a video. If you are using Internet Download…