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PHP Developer

Top 6 Code Editor of A Developer Web Dev Tools in 2018

If you are a developer, you have your list of web dev tools, there for you always need to find the best code editor and tools for development purposes. So It can be IDE, text editors, or a framework to build your next project. Text editors…

Top 7 Coding Practice Websites For Web Developers

Practice, practice, and learn to code faster. Join online coding courses for achieving online web development degree or become an expert web developer faster. These steps you need to become a web developer to work from home and earn money…

Top 5 Best Laravel Admin Template Packages

Laravel 5 is the most popular PHP frameworks nowadays. There is no doubt about it. So, if you want to develop fast, painless, and secure applications with PHP, than Laravel, is the number one choice. Besides, Laravel has a very active…

How to Hire PHP Developers for Web Applications?

When it comes to web development, PHP is the first language that we talk about.  Its' known as the most popular server-side scripting language in the world. According to w3techs, PHP is used by 81.9% of all the websites who uses server-side…