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Install VMware Tools in Kali Linux

How to Install VMware Tools in Kali Linux? Kali Linux is most commonly used inside of VMware Work Station and Player, one of the best virtual machine manager program for Penetration Tester and Network Administrators that creating the…

How to create and use a Macro in MS Word 2013

Microsoft Word gives us many great options such as macro for easy and better use. Simply macros are the commands for different actions, or we can say that macros are the recorded actions. In this post we are going to learn how to record a…

How to Backup and Restore Group Policy Objects?

Backup and restore Group Policy Objects in Windows Server will help you to protect GPOs configuration. It is easy to create and edit group policy object from Group Policy Management on Windows Server. But takes to much time to completely…

How to Simply Burn Windows Image to DVD?

Writing file on disc has many way for all types of files, but it's difficult to write (Burn Windows Image to DVD) a boot-able images of Windows operating system. If you write it like a simple file, the disc will not become a boot-able and…

How to Redirect Folder in Windows Server 2012 R2?

This article shows you how simply you can redirect folder in Windows Server with group policy. The folder redirection is the way to keep a profile folders to a network location or other location in the local computer. Typically user…

Windows Server 2012 R2 Initial Configuration

Windows Server 2012 R2 Initial Configuration for newly installed. After installation, you need to configure the initial requirements of the server.  The essential configuration are changing host name, set IP address , update Windows,…

How to Enable WordPress Mobile Theme?

WordPress has it's own theme for a website mobile Visitors. If users open your website with their mobile devices, the default WordPress mobile theme will load and displayed the contents without extra style which need more internet…

How to add reCAPTCHA to Form of a Website?

This step by step article will help you to add  reCAPTCHA code for contact form of your websites. First of all you must know what is re-CAPTCHA? re-CAPTCHA is a free Google service to protect a website from spammer or robots which sent mass…

How to Install Dual Boot Windows and Kali Linux?

Installing a dual boot windows and Kali Linux operating system beside each other in a PC is not appealing much for Windows. But you must do it carefully, maybe you will lose all your hard disk data and information. To do a dual boot windows…

How to Install Windows Server 2012 R2 Step by Step

A step by step guide to install Windows Server 2012 R2.  Windows Server 2012 R2, was released along with Windows 8.1 in October 2013. A service pack, formally designated Windows Server 2012 R2 Update, was released in April 2014. Windows…