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How to Manage Files and Folders with PowerShell?

Windows PowerShell has cmdlets that help you manage files with PowerShell easily within Servers and client machines. The following PowerShell articles provide a brief introduction to carrying out file system management tasks by using…

How to Restrict Editing Document Inside Office?

Restrict editing document inside Word Office help you protect your documents from editing by others. This restrictions can be works for all staffs on you office, and no one can not customize your document or bring any changes to our rule. …

How to Share Data to All Views in Laravel 5.2

We have talked about Laravel Framework so many times. It's easy to use, flexible and fast. It's true that, if you do not practice, you will never learn anything. As much as Laravel is amazing to use, it's hard to master as well. In today's…

How to Design Pepsi Ad with Photoshop?

This Photoshop tips article is about how to design Pepsi ad in Photoshop. The Photoshop has amazing features, and those features are help you to create your exciting designs. Whether creating a new document, edit your images or creating a…

How to Design an Orange Manipulation Design in Photoshop?

In this Photoshop tips article, I am going to Design an Orange Manipulation Design with Photoshop. Photoshop Manipulation is the skillful handling, controlling or using of something or someone. Whether it's the sculpture you made in art…

How to Create and Manage Task Scheduler in Windows 10?

Windows 10 task scheduler features is a tasks automation system that helps you create and run tasks some tasks. These tasks can be scheduled to an exact date, day or hours. You can use Task Scheduler to create and manage common tasks that…

Make Browsing Faster with Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is the list of Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts, which make your browsing quick and fast. We know some Windows keyboard shortcuts, but many software has different keyboard shortcuts in order to use them quicker and faster. For instance…

How to Create Golden Text Design Using Layer Effects?

In this lesson of Photoshop tips, you will learn how to create golden text design using layer effects in Photoshop? Also you will learn something new about Drop Shadow, Outer Glow and Bevel & Emboss in layer effects. How to Create…

How to Save Google Plus Non Downloadable Photos?

Would you like to save Google plus photos when you surfing your Google+ profiles? And some amazing photos are not downloadable from mobile! It's not good to change G+ profile setting that viewers are able to save and download the photos you…

How to Enable Network Discovery via Group Policy?

Network discovery is a network setting that enables network computers' names to be discoverable from the network. It works like a Bluetooth system. When you enable it, your device will be found by another device. Enabling network discovery…

How to Create Chocolate Text Design in Photoshop?

As my previous Photoshop tips and tricks articles, I would like to create a new brand design in Photoshop, which is create chocolate Text Design in Photoshop using layer effects. In this lesson I will introduce you with Gradient fill layer,…