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How to Add Google Search To WordPress Without Plugin

Nowadays we see Google search in almost every WordPress site or blogs. There are many advantage to use Google Search. The benefits of using Google search are speed, users already trust Google brand, you will not have to maintain or update…

How to Design a Bird Logo Inspiration in Photoshop?

There are many different logos all over the internet, today I have decided to show you how to create bird logo inspiration with Photoshop. While creating this project you will be introduce with pen tool, layer effects like bevel &…

How to Design Linux Logo in 12 Steps Using Illustrator?

In this step by step tutorial I will show you to design Linux logo using Illustrator, which is pretty easy to do it in Illustrator, we will use shape tools, gradient, pathfinder option and some other stuff to do this great Linux logo…

Introduction to Shadow Usage Inside Photoshop

According to designing, shadow has necessary role inside Photoshop depending on your design. In this lesson of Photoshop Tips I have decided to introduce you to shadow usage inside Photoshop, and you will get the answers of What is shadow?…

Reset Windows 10 Password with Password Reset USB

It's a common issue, for a Windows user forgot his password or want to reset Windows 10 password. There are many cases we require to reset Windows password. Sometime you need to change current password, or resetting. If you want to reset a…

Using Kirki in WordPress Theme Customizer (Part 1)

Kirki is a WordPress  plugin that let you customize the customizer panel. Kirki is not the replacement for WordPress customizer. If you use Kirki in you theme, still you can use WordPress default customizer options. WordPress customizer is…

CSS3 Transition in Depth Tutorial

CSS3 transition and transform is are the great features of CSS3. It will let you animate, move, scale, skew and translate the elements with specified timing and duration. In this article you learn CSS3 transition property in depth and step…

How to Speedup WordPress Site 90% Without Plugin?

If you test you site speed with google PageSpeed or GTmetrix, you will see some statistics about page speed or Yslow score. You most probably want to see a high score. this article is all about how to speedup WordPress site up to 90% with…

How to Use Chart.js For Displaying Data in Graphs?

Displaying data in graphs or charts make you application more user friendly and awesome looking. There are many frameworks to use for chart and graph display, but Chart.js is the best option. Chartjs is Simple, clean and engaging HTML5…