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Enable Remote Desktop with CMD in Windows 10

The Windows Remote desktop can be enable with the command line such as CMD and Powershell. Here we enable remote desktop using command prompt in Windows 10. You can use this method on all Microsoft Windows server and Workstation systems.…

How to Install Android Oreo on VMware or VirtualBox?

Android Oreo ISO image is now available right now for Virtualization software such as Hyper-v, VMWare, and VirtualBox. But there are many options to install Andoird on Windows 10 or Linux desktop. The first option is using Android Studio…

Bootstrap Buttons Complete Guide for Web Developers

Buttons are one of the most useful components that are being used for various purposes like Showing, hiding submitting and much more. Bootstrap 4 includes several types of buttons which each serving its own semantic purpose, with a few…

Clear/Flush DNS Cache on Windows 10, Linux and macOS

When a system DNS works for a long time, it saves many records that cause DNS works slowly or not working correctly. To flush DNS cache, you need to clear DNS records from your system. You can do it with the command line in command prompt…

Top 7 Coding Practice Websites For Web Developers

Practice, practice, and learn to code faster. Join online coding courses for achieving online web development degree or become an expert web developer faster. These steps you need to become a web developer to work from home and earn money…

How to Disable Spell Checker and AutoCorrect in Android?

So far every one of you knows the android auto-correct and spell checker. The Android default or the preferred keyboard on your android system setting has the autocorrect enabled. It has also built the spell checker. Perhaps you want to get…

How to Use Laravel Mix without Laravel Step by Step

Laravel Mix is a powerful tool and NPM package. So, using Laravel Mix, you can compile sass, scss files, Vuejs files and ES6 features. Also, it's fast and easy to start using. Besides, you can easily customizer Laravel Mix for your project.…

Managing User Account with Command Line in Windows 10

Managing user account and groups with "net" command line. The Net user command line is a built-in Windows Command tool. It uses for creating, deleting and managing user account in Windows operating system. Managing user account using…

How to Start Wamp Server Automatically in Windows 10

Running Wampserver every time you turn on your computer becomes a little painful. Also, if you are developing an app for clients, you don't want your client to run Wampserver every time they run the application. So, the solution is to run…