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How to Install Chromium on CentOS 8 Correctly?

Installing Google Chrome is a bit complicated on Linux operating systems. Instead, you can use the Chromium web browser. It works the same as Google Chrome web browser. Let install Chromium on CentOS 8 easy and correctly. I just installed…

100+ Best Ways to Make Money Online in 2018

Would you like to work from home and make money online in your spare time or full time? For a person who likes to work freely from home as a freelancer, the internet is the best ground for tons of jobs! Here are the top 100+ ways to make…

16 Best Part Time Jobs For Everyone in 2018

Do you want to know what are the best part time jobs in 2018? Here you just find the list of 16 best part time jobs you need to work from home in 2018. Life is very beautiful, it’s not all about work. In every case, life means hope,…

Setup Local Web Server on Windows 10 & MacOS with MAMP

For the web server, a localhost is a standard hostname which is provided to the address of your local computer, it means your computer is your web server. Setting a local web server allows you to do your experiments without harming anyone’s…