Realistic Plastic Effect with Layer Style In Photoshop CC – Tutorail
In this Photoshop tutorial, we are going to learn how to create a realistic plastic effect with layer style in Photoshop cc we will achieve this great effect by simply using layer style.
Realistic Plastic Effect with Layer Style In Photoshop CC
Let’s take a look what we will be going to create in this easy and great text effect tutorial.

1. Open a new document 2000×1500 pixels, 300 ppi, RGB color mode, your document must the exact size as I mention, if you create a smaller document you will not get the result as we have in the preview.

2. Pick the Gradient Tool and fill the background layer a nice radial gradient use this color code Foreground color(ed7a1f), Background color (752a00).

3. Now select the Type Tool and add a text. I type PSD with all capital letters, font Arial Black, size 133 pt with a white color remember to give 150 corrector spacing to your text, your text should look like bellow.

Now apply the following Bevel and Emboss setting to your text layer, you can find it in down side of the Layer Panel (fx).

4. Apply the following Contour layer style as I did in image bellow, you can play around the setting and find your own effect as well.

5. Now add the Texture Effect to give it a wavy look, Scale: 158% and Depth: -60%.
6. Add the following Stroke style Size: 29 px, Position: Inside, Blend Mode: Multiply, Opacity: 100%, Fill Type: Gradient, Style: Shape Burst, Angle: -62, Scale: 150%.
7. Now add two more Stroke Fx to your text by clicking on Plus icon at end of the Stroke box Opacity: 40% change Position from Inside to Outside, and drag it bellow to the first stroke. Add the Third Stroke and drag it bellow to the Second one.

8. Finally, the result must look like image bellow. And if you face any question don’t hesitate ask your question in comment section.
Realistic Plastic Effect with Layer Style In Photoshop CC – Technig
Download: Get the file here
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