How to Use Illustrator 3D Revolve Options?
This is a beginner tutorial for those who like to create 3D objects in Illustrator, during this Illustrator 3D Revolve Options tutorial, we will introduce all the Illustrator 3D Revolve Options step by step to help you get familiar with…
How to Add Google Search To WordPress Without Plugin
Nowadays we see Google search in almost every WordPress site or blogs. There are many advantage to use Google Search. The benefits of using Google search are speed, users already trust Google brand, you will not have to maintain or update…
All Laptops and Desktops System BIOS Boot Keys
Do you know how to boot a Laptop or Desktop PC that are new and has different boot options? Here are the lists of all Laptops and Desktops System BIOS boot keys. The system BIOS boot keys allow you to boot your computer when you want to…
How to Design a Bird Logo Inspiration in Photoshop?
There are many different logos all over the internet, today I have decided to show you how to create bird logo inspiration with Photoshop. While creating this project you will be introduce with pen tool, layer effects like bevel &…
How to Change Laravel 5 Public Folder to Your Site Name?
We have a few articles about Laravel framework, but we have not shown how to in install and Laravel in production. If you have ever tried to install Laravel in your site, you might have seen some problems that needs to open public folder in…
How to Design Linux Logo in 12 Steps Using Illustrator?
In this step by step tutorial I will show you to design Linux logo using Illustrator, which is pretty easy to do it in Illustrator, we will use shape tools, gradient, pathfinder option and some other stuff to do this great Linux logo…
12 Effective Tricks for User Manuals Creation You Should Start Using Today
The tricks are simple yet in fact, surprisingly few developers use them. The tricks are inexpensive yet many authors prefer to ignore them and lose their time and money instead. Here you will find 12 ways to make your work on product…
Introduction to Shadow Usage Inside Photoshop
According to designing, shadow has necessary role inside Photoshop depending on your design. In this lesson of Photoshop Tips I have decided to introduce you to shadow usage inside Photoshop, and you will get the answers of What is shadow?…
CSS3 3D Transform in Depth Tutorial with Examples
In previous article, we discussed about the 2D transform in CSS3. This article is all about 3D transform. In 2009, the WebKit development team proposed a new extension to CSS that would allow Web page elements to be displayed and…
Adding more Options to WordPress Customizer with Kirki
In previous tutorial, you have learn how to add and configure the WordPress Kirki customizer. In this tutorial we will continue on by learning how to add panel, section sections and control to our WordPress customizer. If you have came to…
Advanced Photoshop Photo Manipulation Tutorial
In this advanced Photoshop photo manipulation tutorial, I will show you how to manipulate a photo using brushes, Layer Masks, Layer Styles and money other stuff. So before starting the tutorial download the files we need during our work.…
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