Gateway for IT Experts and Tech Geeks

How to Turn Photo Into Sketch In Photoshop?

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to turn photo into sketch In Photoshop? It is very sample to turn photo into sketch in Photoshop, follow the steps bellow to understand how to turn photo into sketch In Photoshop? If you…

How to Repeat Animation in GreenSock?

Repeating animation in GreenSock is very easy and useful. If you want to repeat any animation for twice or more than once, you can use the repeat GreenSock animations feature. This tutorial will teach you the step by step process on how to…

How to Set and Manage File Permission in Windows?

The file permissions in Windows are privileges granted to specific system entities, such as users, groups, or computers, enabling them to perform a task or access a resource. This is about to set and manage file permission in Windows 10 and…

Top 5 Websites for Downloading Free Graphic Files

In this article I bravely show you top 5 websites for downloading free graphic files, as you know many graphic designer, web developers or designer, Motion and 3D artist need lots of assets for their daily projects, so they can not create…

Top 10 Best WordPress Themes For Blogging

There is no doubt that WordPress the most popular CMS on the web. Though it's for special for blogging, it's flexible and you can  use it many different ways. If you are a blogger or you want to start a blogging business and you want the…

How To Design Photography Flyer with Photoshop?

In this Photoshop tips and tutorial I am going to show you how to design photography flyer using Photoshop? So as you know flyer is a very popular things, for advertising any business, product, events and many other stuff. In this tutorial…

GreenSock TimelineLite Animation Step by Step.

If you want to automate the step by step animation frame, GreenSock TimelineLite animation is going to do that for you. In this part of the GreenSock tutorial series, we are going to cover the step by step of TimelineLite in GreenSock. If…

How to Animating Multiple Objects with GreenSock?

Animation mulitple object with GreenSock will help you power up your animation skill with GreenSock. In this part of the GreenSock tutorial series, we are goint to focus on GreenSock multiple objects animation features. We will create an…

How to Create Perspective Photo Template Using Photoshop?

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to create perspective photo template using Photoshop. So in this article I we will talk about basic but important things to show all the thing you need to create and organize the group very well…

What is New in CCNA v3 Exams 100-105, 200-105, 200-125?

<!--Here is the complete guide to new CCNA v3 exams. Its combination of two topics, one by CBTNugget and the other is by reddit. So read and watch it carefully and find out what is new in CCNA v3 and what should you do for upgrading