How to Use Illustrator 3D Revolve Options?
This is a beginner tutorial for those who like to create 3D objects in Illustrator, during this Illustrator 3D Revolve Options tutorial, we will introduce all the Illustrator 3D Revolve Options step by step to help you get familiar with this great feature of Adobe Illustrator. We will also create logo with this feature.
Introducing Illustrator 3D Revolve Options
Before we start the tutorial you need to install Adobe Illustrator on your system, its not matter which version of Illustrator you have, but if it is up to CS5 it would be better.
1. Open a new document go to File> New click it, or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+N). So name your document (3D Revolve) use Basic RGB from profile presets and click OK. as I did in image bellow.

2. The 3D Revolve works on any paths but its a little difficult to know how to create what you want, if you do not use this feature before, but we are going to explain it for you, so if you want to create an sphere, first draw a circle and use direct selection tool to remove one anchor point of that circle as bellow.

3. Now select the half circle and go to Effect> 3D> Revolve click on it, in 3D option you will see two more options (Extrude & Rotate) don’t worry about these two options we will introduce it in other tutorial. SO after clicking on 3D Revolve option a new window will pop up and your half circle changed to a nice sphere, the color or your sphere depend to the color of your circle. You can change it any time you want.

4. If you want to apply any image or other objects on you sphere, how to do that? It is very easy the first thing you need to to is make you material and save it into Symbol Panel. OK I create some lines then I grouped all and drag it to the Symbol Panel, a dialog box pop up click OK.

5. Now select your sphere layer and go to Appearance Panel there you will find 3D Revolve with orange color, click on it the 3D Revolve Options window will opened, click on Map Art Option at the bottom of the panel a new window will pop up as bellow.

6. You can use 3D Revolve Options on any other paths, so I want to make a bottle pick the Pen Tool and make a path as I did in bellow image.

7. Now select the path and go to Effect> 3D> Revolve then click OK, It will revolve the path to the shape of the path, you can edit the anchor points of the path, to make it perfect it automatically updated.

That is it! Hope enjoy the article and understand the usage of Illustrator 3D Revolve Options. If you have any question regarded to the article please leave comment bellow in comment section. Thanks for flowing.