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How to Create a Bootable Kali Linux USB?

A Bootable Kali Linux USB flash drive will help you to run the Linux every where like PC, Mac and Linux.

In this article we learn how to create a live boot-able USB for Kali Linux the the hackers and Penetration tester Operating System. To do so, first you must download Universal USB Installer from here  and continue like bellow instruction to completely create a boot-able USB.

1. Run the Universal USB Installer as administrator and click I Agree button.

Universal USB Installer
Universal USB Installer

Now according to screenshot, select Kali Linux from step 1 and select the image of Kali Linux from step 2. This is the Image that you have downloaded before. If you don’t have the Kali Linux IOS image yet, download the latest version from here.

In step 3 select you USB flash drive. Be careful your USB will format, backup your date of USB drive before continue! Tick the we will format D:\Drive as Fat32 and click Create.

Create a linux live USB drive
Create a linux live USB drive

Now you will see a warning about formatting your flash drive, just click Yes to accept it.

USB Format Warning
USB Format Warning

This will take a few minutes to extract the from hard disk to USB drive.

Extracting Kali linux image to USB
Extracting Kali linux image to USB

When the installation has compete, close the window.

Installation Complete
Installation Complete

To boot you system with this USB go to your system BIOS and set the boot option to USB then save the settings and reboot the system.

  1. Hazara Gray Hat says

    Is there any way to inistall kali,backtrack on usb?

    1. Shais says

      Kali USB Persistence has the ability to save files and bring changes across live USB. Only follow the instruction of “Adding Persistence to a Kali Live USB“.

  2. Talleb hussain says

    It was great and useful.

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