How to Design Creative Orbit Logo Using Illustrator?
In this step by step tutorial which is the same as other previous logo design tutorial, I will show you how to design creative orbit logo using Illustrator? This logo design tutorial is a step by step process of re creating the following orbit logo, which I found it on Google, and I would like to share the process of, re creating this logo.
Design Creative Orbit Logo Using Illustrator
Lets see, the logo which I want to re design in this tutorial is a nice and beautiful orbit logo, it is very easy to design, if you follow the Design a Creative Orbit Logo Using Illustrator tutorial till the end.

1. Open a new document go to File>New or press (Ctrl+N) a new small window will open, name your document (Orbit Logo) use Basic RGB for Profile, as bellow.

2. Pick the Rectangle tool and draw a big rectangle as the size of the art board and use fill it with gradient use the following color codes (D00175)(5A0219)for gradient color stops, and change the type of gradient yo Radial.

3. Now pick the Ellipse tool and draw an ellipse as the image below, and apply this color code (5A0219) for fill of the layer and make a copy of that layer by pressing (Ctrl+C) to copy and (Ctrl+F) to past it in-front of the layer, then scale it down a little bit in order to make a dark edge or stroke for our logo.

4. OK , now create two more ellipse, it should be smaller then other and place it at the right side of the other ellipse as the image bellow and give it a light blue color and a dark blue color, we will apply gradients on it later, remember to set stroke for the dark ellipse as well.

5. Now select the dark ellipse and apply a gradient on it, use the following color codes (27489D) (06D3EF) (27489D) for stop color of gradient and use Type (Linear) Angle (900).

6. Now pick the Ellipse tool and draw an small circle at the center of all ellipse and set the Fill color to white to make the center part of our orbit logo.

7. Select the light blue ellipse and apply the same gradient as we applied on dark blue ellipse, but this time make the use the following settings for your gradients. Type (Radial) Angle(00).

8. Now make a copy of the light blue ellipse and move it at the bottom of the main light blue ellipse and scale it up a little bit to make the shadow for the dark pink ellipse, and set this color (20115C) for Fill of the layer.

9. Use ellipse tool and path finder operation to make a shape like moon and set a gradient for that shape use the color codes(D00175) (5D021C) and settings.

10. Now try to place it at the same place as I did in the image bellow and select all the ellipse and press (Ctrl+G) to group all the ellipse, then make a drop shadow for your logo. It should look like bellow.

That is it! I hope you really enjoy this tutorial if you have any question please leave comment bellow, I will reply your answer as soon as possible.
I love this simple and useful article!
Nice Post, this is easy, but useful..