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How to create a Button from Recorded Macro

Macros in fact are actions which we record. We can assign shortcuts to them for easy use. Check here for “How to create a macro”. If you have a Macro and often use it while working with the documents, Workbooks, Presentations or Database, you might use shortcut keys to run the Macro or the VIEW | DEVELOPER tab.

There is another way to easily use a Macro and that is creating a Command Button for the Macro. After creating a button, just a click is required to run the Macro.

Below are the Steps:

You must have a recorded macro to proceed.

I’ve tried this for MS word 2013.

 Select the Quick Access Toolbar’s drop-down button and choose More Commands.

More Commands

 Complete the Process:

No. 1: Choose Macros from the list.

No. 2: Select the Macro that you want.

No. 3: Click “Add”.

No. 4: Check whether your macro is added to the list or not.

No. 5: Click Modify.

Macro Button
Macro Button

Assign Icon to Macro:

No.1: Select an Icon for your Macro.

No. 2: Give a name to your Command Button.

No. 3: Click “OK”.

Assign Icon to Macro
Assign Icon to Macro


All Done!

This is the example below;

Command Button
Command Button
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