Gateway for IT Experts and Tech Geeks

Top 10 HTML5 Marketing Templates 2017

Marketing is one the most valuable business idea. If you want to make the best quality website design, you have to choose the template wisely. There are hundreds of marketing templates in the markets. But we will introduce the top 10 HTML5…

How to Add CSS Preloader to Your Website?

Pre-loader is one of the must-have features that you should add to your site. It makes your site load smooth and makes it more user-friendly. Especially when you have a lot of images and JavaScript files and your site load unlovely. This…

How to Limit WordPress the_content Words Length?

If you are a WordPress theme developer, you know that the_content function displays all the words whenever you use it. In this short tips and trick tutorial, you will learn how to limit WordPress the_content words length . We will show you…

How to Query Posts by Different Dates in Laravel 5

Laravel 5 is the most popular PHP Framework. Developing php application is easy, fast and enjoyable with Laravel. In this tutorial you will learn Laravel 5 query posts by dates tips and tricks. You will learn how to query today's post; how…

How to Customize WordPress Site Permalink

WordPress is by far the most popular blogging CMS. Here in Technig, we have quite a few tips and tricks about WordPress and theme development. In this short tutorial, you will learn how to customize WordPress site permalink to make it look…

How to Manage Laravel 5.4 Files Upload

Laravel is by far the most popular PHP Framework. It has significant numbers of active community members plus many updates and packages. In this short tutorial, will show you how to upload and manage Laravel 5.4 files upload. If you are new…

Formatting PHP Dates and Time: Step by Step Guide

PHP is by far the most popular web programming language. Almost for every project that’s done in PHP, you work with date and times. Working and formatting PHP dates and times might be a little hard and complicated at first, but they will be…

How to Hire PHP Developers for Web Applications?

When it comes to web development, PHP is the first language that we talk about.  Its' known as the most popular server-side scripting language in the world. According to w3techs, PHP is used by 81.9% of all the websites who uses server-side…

How to Use Uncss With Gulp to Remove Unused CSS?

Most of times we want to remove the ugly and unnecessary CSS styles. Of course you can go, search and find each those CSS class and remove them individually. May be you are like most other developers who use CSS Frameworks like bootstrap…

How to Repeat Animation in GreenSock?

Repeating animation in GreenSock is very easy and useful. If you want to repeat any animation for twice or more than once, you can use the repeat GreenSock animations feature. This tutorial will teach you the step by step process on how to…

Top 10 Best WordPress Themes For Blogging

There is no doubt that WordPress the most popular CMS on the web. Though it's for special for blogging, it's flexible and you can  use it many different ways. If you are a blogger or you want to start a blogging business and you want the…