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Top 5 Illustrator Tips Every Designer Must Know

In this top 5 Illustrator tips tutorial we will show you five best secret of Illustrator that every designer must know these  tips for their job or work, If your are a beginner, it is no matter its for you as well. Top 5 Illustrator Tips…

How to Create Flyer Design using Photoshop?

You may saw a flyer design in your school or other places, if you want to create one, you may think how to create it what size it should be which colors should I use and many more stuffs. This step by step  flyer design tutorial is for you…

How to make Creative Facebook Cover Using Photoshop?

In this series of Photoshop Tips tutorial we will show you how to create or make creative Facebook cover in Photoshop. We will use the Pen Tool, Layer Style and many more, so by the end of this tutorial you will understand all the great and…

How To Create Animated Web Banner In Photoshop?

In this tutorial we are going to show how to create animated web banner in Adobe Photoshop CC. By the end of this tutorial you will understand all the standard sizes of web banner, using motion blur and some other great techniques. Creating…

How to Create Space Scene In Photoshop?

In this Tutorial I am going to show you how to create a space scene in Photoshop CC? Before starting to create this design  you need to download the needed files, the files that I am going to use is earth map, galaxy scene, light and stones…

How To Use Transform Command in Photoshop?

The Transform command in Photoshop is a great and used feature of Photoshop. This features includes (Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective and Warp) remember that there are some more features like rotate 90o, 180o and flipped vertically…

How To Use the Blend Modes In Photoshop?

The Blend Modes in Photoshop are one of great and useful option. With blend modes you do not need to remove the  background of your layers or decrease its opacity. Its a great way to mix, darker and brighter your images without using  …

How To Create Your Own Photoshop Actions?

A Photoshop Action is a series of tasks that you play back on a single  or group of file to speed up your work and save time. Simply action recorded in Photoshop step by step as you apply Adjustments, Filters and other Effects on your…

Create Keyboard Shortcut in Photoshop to Work Faster

Working fast is everyone's dream in all programs so what makes our work fast? There are many reasons to make our work  done faster and save our time, I am showing you one of the technique which make easy and fast your work. that is Keyboard…

How to Make Custom Brush in Photoshop?

In Photoshop, brushes are under-utilized tools that can be efficient and effective when the right diameter is chosen. We use and need brushes all the time,  creating brushes make it easy to draw or paint a shape in different sizes, opacity,…