How to Boost Performance of a Gaming PC?
Boost Performance of the gaming PC for game players. With PC gaming becoming such a huge thing for many people, and with new games requiring higher frame rates form your computer to play efficiently, it is no surprise that many people need to Boost Performance of their gaming PCs. This article will teach you a simple and effective way to boost your computer’s speed and performance for gaming. This guide will use Razer Game Booster and Advanced SystemCare 8, although you may be able to find other comparable programs with a little research.
Boost Performance of Your Gaming PC

Open the program, Hit the scan button and it will run a scan of your computer. Wait patiently for it to complete.

Once the scan is done you will see a button that says “repair“. Click that button and then it will remove all unnecessary files on your computer, thereby freeing up RAM and taking some of the strain off of the CPU.
Doing this just once is adequate for now, but to maintain your computer, run this program once every week or two.

Download Razer Game Booster and download and install the program.

Run the program, It will ask you to sign in. You will need to create an account, which will take only a couple of minutes. Once complete you will be logged in and the program will scan for games on your PC.
It was really awesome information
All right this YouTube video is much improved than last one, this one has fastidious picture feature as well as audio.
Thanks sir for many problems occur during playing games which most of all are solved, thanks again.