5 Tips for Choosing the Right Video Wall
Video walls have become an important resource to engage audiences and convey relevant messages. Digital video walls tend to be pretty eye-catchy, especially in high traffic areas such as train stations to draw the attention of your targets. However, choosing and setting up your video wall can be an overwhelming chore. A lot of things need to be considered to pick the right wall. If you lack info on this subject, follow the below 5 tips for choosing the right video wall.

1. Space and ambience
Effects on ambience and space are major factors while planning a video wall. Study the environment where the wall will be. Take a note of the location, ambient light and accessibility to the wall. Also, make sure there is enough cooling space for displays to get better results.
2. Customer interaction
Customer interaction actually drives the return on investment. As such, it is important that you take into account how customers will interact with the video wall and how the wall will satisfy their needs. In line with this point, you may want to select the wall that will yield better ROI.
3. Shape, size and aspect ratio
Location and space play an important part in determining the size and layout of the wall. In this respect, the aspect ratio turns out to be imperative. For example, a video wall might deliver a distorted view if it is not configured in the original aspect ratio. An ideal wall should permit relevant space for a better aspect ratio to deliver high-quality videos that will keep the audiences engaged.
4. Maintenance
Most of the business professionals overlook the maintenance part when looking for a video wall. Video wall calibration and maintenance could be laborious. Additionally, troubleshooting and upkeep of the wall are expected. So a video wall that will reduce such expenses will make a smarter option.
5. Cost
The cost of ownership of the wall is a major parameter that affects your buying decision. The ultimate aim of using the video wall is to increase the engagement rate of customers, boost revenues and profits. While quality should not be compromised when considering or cutting the cost, you should ensure that you are not investing too much in a video wall. A great start will be to minimize your investment on your video wall without sacrificing your needs. A thorough assessment of the total cost and return will give you a good idea on choosing the right wall.
Video walls are an integral part of modern business strategies to engage audiences. Appealing motion pictures can do wonders towards the accomplishment of your goals. However, you ought to select an ideal video wall to make the most out of your videos. A poorly planned system can be a nightmare whether you are going for a budget system or the latest version. If you don’t know how to choose the best wall for videos, follow the above 5 tips for choosing the right video wall, and you are on your way to captivating your audiences through intriguing videos.
Mia Clarke is part of the content and community team at Userful.com, experts in all things video wall and display solutions. When Mia is not spreading the word about video walls she is often found discovering the great outdoors, walking or cycling.