10 Useful Command line Commands You Should Know

Command line is used mostly by power users. It gives you the abilities to do any action almost without any limitation. So, If you want to learn how to use command prompt for your next operation, this article is for you. Besides learning the basic command, you will learn some power user  commands as well. Additionally, it will empower your skill. Because what command line does, GUI can’t. We have collected the top 10 essential and useful command line commands that will help you in daily tasks.

10 Useful Command line Commands

1. Check internet connection.

An effortless command that will check where you have internet access or not. Most of the times your wifi icon lie.  So, you must use the following command to check your internet.

ping technig.com -t

If you see any reply, you have internet; otherwise, there is no internet. The -t flag means, pings the specified host until stopped. You can stop by Ctrl + C

2. System Information

To see your computer systems information like system manufacturer, system model, system type and more, so use the following command.


The list is long. It gives you almost every detail you want on your computer.

3. Save a Command’s Output to a File

The 2nd command shows a lot of information about your system. If you want to give those data to anyone else, you save to a notepad file. Subsequently, use this command.

systeminfo > C:\data.txt

Note: This command needs administrator access. Press Win button and search form cmd, then right click and run as administrator.

Now, it should save all of those data in the root of C:\ directory.

4.  Enable QuickEdit to Easily Copy/Paste

This is not a, but it will help you copy/paste text to command line or from command line quickly.

  1. Open your cmd
  2. Right-click on the window bar
  3. Go to Properties.
  4. Check to Quick Edit Mode
Command prompt properties for quick edit

Once you check, click save and you are done.

5. See the Command History

To check which command you have used in the last session of using the command line, use the following command.

doskey /history

I should show just the command you have run so far.

C:\Users\Technig>doskey /history
systeminfo > c:\mydata.text
doskey /history

6. Directory Operations

For creating, deleting and changing directory, using the following commands.

Create directory:

mkdir dirName

Delete directory:

rmdir dirName

Change directory:

C:\Users\Technig>cd Desktop\dirName

Note: The rmdir command assumes you don’t have any subdirectories if you have, use the /s flag to remove everything.

rmdir DrivePath /s

// for example 

rmdir photo /s

7. View Drive’s Entire Directory Structure

Use the following command to see a drives entire directory structure. Don’t run it a drive actually; it will take a while to list all directories structure. So, it’s useful for folders.


Just run the command in the current directory.

Tree – useful command line commands for directory listing.

It will show the structure of that folder and subfolders as a tree.

8. Change Command Prompt Title Bar Text.

This one is fantastic and easy. You see the title bar by default is just the directory name. So, there is how you can change it.

title I am Command line User
Change command line title bar

Looks good right.

9. Open Command Line form Any Directory.

It’s a bit hard and time killer to navigate from on the directory to another directory. For instance, you want to go from C drive to D, it would take a few commands to go, but there is a short way.

In any directory you are, just press Shift+right-click, you will see the open command line here.

Open cmd on right click

If you don’t see anything or just see the PowerShell, So read how to replace Powershell with Command Line here.

10. See All Your Computer Drivers.

You need this command to check which drivers you have and which one you don’t. So run the following command to list all drivers.


It should show all drivers with the model name, display name, driver type and link date.


All in all, we have lots of other commands to learn. I think for this article, it’s enough. Also, we will bring you more useful command line commands in the future articles. Besides, if you have any good command to share with us, feel free to command below.

Command Line TipsCommand PromptHow toPowerShell TutorialsWindows 10
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